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Edertone Starts edertone implementation of ERP in the company Nechvile Machines

Edertone Starts edertone implementation of ERP in the company Nechvile Machines

The company Nechville machines, located in Polinyà and dedicated to the manufacture of machines and silkscreen tampography, is preparing to deploy the Software edertone of Edertone for stock control and inventory of stock. For this case, the modules implemented by Edertone are customer management, supplier, customer, products, invoices and stock, ...

Airtecnics and Edertone join forces to develop a new software for creating online deals

Airtecnics and Edertone join forces to develop a new software for creating online deals

Project that has been asigned to Edertone consists of a desktop application platform, with remote data system. The core of the database is hosted on a web server, so the user is updated any time with the latest data from the company in real time. The main features of the project are: Security system based on users to limit access only to customers ...

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Edertone Advanced Solutions S.L.

Castellar del Vallès (08211) · Barcelona · Spain

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