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1/5/2008 - Airtecnics and Edertone join forces to develop a new software for creating online deals

Project that has been asigned to Edertone consists of a desktop application platform, with remote data system. The core of the database is hosted on a web server, so the user is updated any time with

the latest data from the company in real time.

The main features of the project are:

Security system based on users to limit access only to customers of the company.

Automatic configuration of all parameters of an air curtain, whether its color, size, model, with the consequent achievement of benchmarks.

Calculation of the energy savings of installing an air curtain according to parameters such as size of the door, wind speed, standard curtain, annual usage period, etc ...

Management offers to dealers and customers

Create projects with multiple doors and air curtains for their assignments.

Airtecnics was founded in 1987 and since 1993, is fully integrated into the Group Rosenberg, an organization specialized in the design, manufacture and distribution of equipment and components for ventilation and air conditioning, with production units, subsidiaries and branches in more than 50 countries.

Airtecnics For more information, visit their website

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Edertone Advanced Solutions S.L.

Castellar del Vallès (08211) · Barcelona · Spain

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