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Highligts and representative information

Centroalum order management application available on AppStore and Google Play

Centroalum order management application available on AppStore and Google Play

The new Centroalum order management application is now available for installation on Android devices and soon in the Apple AppStore. This application is aimed to an internal use by customers and company employees and allows for an immediate order processing and data request of a big amount of information, thanks to the bundled server ERP Navision b ...

Edertone assumes the front-end development for a Web project on the BDigital company

Edertone assumes the front-end development for a Web project on the BDigital company

With the start of a new project in the BDigital company, aimed to manage a user system and its related entities, Edertone has been chosen to handle the front-end part that will manage communication between the browser and the related web services, plus the implementation of the visual appearance, which taking advantage of modern HTML5 web standards ...

Edertone participates in a Grifols R+D project

Edertone participates in a Grifols R+D project

The pharmaceutical multinational Grifols has added to its Diagnostic division R + D department an Edertone team to participate in the development for the new generation of Triturus machines for blood analysis.To support the project software development, four Edertone engineers have been selected to work closely with the Grifols team on the Flex and ...

Edertone gets involved with the development for the Purification Garcia online web shop.

Edertone gets involved with the development for the Purification Garcia online web shop.

In order to meet the needs of maintenance and evolution for the Purification Garcia online store, the StLonia firm has decided to count with Edertone for the development of the new features that involve the day by day on the famous brand.To meet these objectives, Edertone has made available to the project an extensive experience in developing Inter ...

Edertone teach WebExpress courses in collaboration with El Mirador, centre de Coneixement.

Edertone teach WebExpress courses in collaboration with El Mirador, centre de Coneixement.

WebExpress Edertone teach WebExpress in collaboration with El Mirador, centre de Coneixement.Edertone Advanced Solutions in collaboration with El Mirador Centre de Coneixement in Castellar del Vallès offers the possibility of a 2 hours free class teaching the necessary skills to be able to create web pages using a specific edition software. Thanks ...

Edertone initiates cooperation with Codeoscopic

Edertone initiates cooperation with Codeoscopic

Due to the extraordinary growth and global projection that FLEX based technologies are experiencing and the growing demand for RIA development experts, Edertone and Codeoscopic Barcelona have signed a strategic alliance to ensure the projection and availability of qualified personnel for the future technologies. The first step in this relationship ...

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Edertone Advanced Solutions S.L.

Castellar del Vallès (08211) · Barcelona · Spain

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