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5/3/2014 - Centroalum order management application available on AppStore and Google Play

The new Centroalum order management application is now available for installation on Android devices and soon in the Apple AppStore. This application is aimed to an internal use by customers and company employees and allows for an immediate order processing and data request of a big amount of information, thanks to the bundled server ERP Navision based synchronization. To prevent functional problems in situations of low network coverage or limited internet access, the application is capable of working in a transparent offline mode, so all data will get synchronized once connection becomes available again.

Edertone has been commissioned to develop the application and integrate its operation with the Navision enterprise servers. To optimize the development and reduce costs the AIR multiplatform system has been used, a technology that allows to create a single version of the application and export it to all possible formats: Android (smartphones & tablets), Apple (Iphones, Ipads, etc ...) with a perfect reliability and the consequent development cycle efficiency with fewer errors and shorter time-to-market.

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