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Highligts and representative information

Companies Onebox and Edertone reach an agreement for major project

Companies Onebox and Edertone reach an agreement for major project

The company Onebox dedicated to managing the sale of tickets for shows and computer engineering company Edertone Advanced Solutions have reached a cooperation agreement for an important project. Edertone provide an engineer with extensive knowledge in the programming language Adobe Flex to join a project done in this language. The duration of the p ...

Edertone move its offices to the center of knowledge

Edertone move its offices to the center of knowledge "El Mirador" in Castellar del Vallès.

Edertone Advanced Solutions move its offices to the new knowledge center "El Mirador" in the main square of Castellar del Vallès. This building has the best facilities such as meeting rooms, video screening rooms, offices ... This new site will improve the company's relationship with its customers, offering greater accessibility and ...

Satisfactorily concluded collaboration between Indra and Edertone within the project-related TMB (Barcelona Metro)

Satisfactorily concluded collaboration between Indra and Edertone within the project-related TMB (Barcelona Metro)

After 4 months, ending the collaboration between the new technology consulting firm Indra and Edertone Advanced Solutions . During this period a member of the team Ederotone formed part of the development group for the management of maps of TMB . Its function was to advise on the Flex application, as an expert in language, as well as developing n ...

New ERP Ederbusiness

New ERP Ederbusiness

Improvements are ready for ERP Ederbusiness The team of Edertone has improved the funciionalities standard and common requires from program management, improving product customization and rapid service, scalability, security, influencing the cost savings, reduced time of implementation, ease use of ERP, customer service and guarantee of permanent d ...

Indra chooses Edertone for an important TMB project (Barcelona underground)

Indra chooses Edertone for an important TMB project (Barcelona underground)

Indra, the consulting company that leads new technologies in Spain, has chosen Edertone for the development and improvement of the Flex part of the control software for TMB on the Barcelona underground.To do so, an Edertone team member will be part of the TMB maps development group for 3 months. His role will be to assist on the Flex part of the ap ...

Almo Instalacions ERP Implementation

Almo Instalacions ERP Implementation

The growing company, specializing in electrical equipment and installations, has decided to step on the control of its financial structure. For this reason it has commissioned an adaptation of the Ederbusiness ERP Software provided to improve efficiency, control and efficiency of their finances. The ERP includes a module for forecasting of funds t ...

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Edertone Advanced Solutions S.L.

Castellar del Vallès (08211) · Barcelona · Spain

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